Monday, July 18, 2011

Untitled by Jackie Chanel

Originally Posted 7/17/11 by Paper Mustang

NOTE:  Every once in a while I'll be asked to do a special review for one or other of my Facebook/Blog communities.  I'm never disappointed in the book and this one was no exception.  On behalf of Indie Book Collective, I proudly present a special review of "Untitled by Jackie Chanel."
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Just like any industry, the world of music has its mysterious inside.  Only those that work in the music industry are privileged to know the ins and outs, ups and downs that accompany a music career.  The author takes the reader on a wild ride inside a musician’s rise to fame.  Like a roller coaster, the ride takes sharp turns and abrupt falls but Aiden keeps moving forward.  This story is one that is told over and over again so it would seem familiar.  However, Ms. Chanel has taken a completely different angle and made it a unique story again. 

Throughout this story I found myself alternatively hating and loving Aiden.  He makes some really stupid decisions and screws up his life hideously but you can’t help but root for him or slap him, I’m not sure which.  The author has done a wonderful job creating real-life characters for us to support.  As his friends weave in and out of his world, Aiden rearranges his relationships and completely changes himself so many times I almost lost track. 

I hated that one key ingredient Aiden needed to make better choices was missing in his life and when you read this book you will know what I mean.  There simply isn’t a replacement for this ingredient and I don’t think Aiden ever got over that.

In the end, I found this story very charming, fun to read and it gave me an insight into the music industry I didn’t know I needed.  This isn’t just another rise to fame story, it’s a life changing event that just happens to be focused in the music industry.  A definite must read. 

Review by Sue Owen

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