Saturday, June 4, 2011

Interview with Indie writer MELISSA A SMITH

She is a wife and mother of two teenaged boys and lives in the midwest, where almost everyone you meet is a friend or relative.  She has a tuxedo cat named Sam who thinks he's a big jungle cat and that the family is the juicy prey. 

Melissa is at heart an artist.  She’s always been certain of where she wanted her creativity to flow, dropping out of journalism school because she didn’t want to be told what to write.  

She has encouraged the love of art in her own children, her neighborhood kids, her nieces, and nephews and just about anyone that comes in contact with her.  Her love for art is boundless and lucky for readers she’s taken up writing.   

For some time she has wanted to write down her ideas.   Finally giving them attention, she finished and placed Cloud Nine up for sale at Barnes and Noble as well as at Amazon.  She is currently working on the second book that follows that story along with a separate Sci - fi novel. 

At the same time, she finished and published The Heir Apparent, which is also available from both Amazon and Barnes and Noble.         

She loves her readers to travel with her  into different realities and onto different worlds. To live and fall in love with the characters that she has come to love herself. Who would have thought that by separating a few pages you can enter a whole new place that you can live in for a little while.  Somewhere you can meet new people and follow them through their lives. Somewhere you can visit as many times as you want, because believe me, they want you to visit again and again.

Melissa’s works include:  Cloud Nine, A paranormal romance of the Guardians of Man series; The Heir Apparent, The Waiting Throne series and can be found:

Work in progress:  Thundrehead, Guardians of Man series to be released soon.  In honor of Melissa's unique style, this interview was made colorful.  I hope it is pleasing!

This is part one of a series of interviews for my blog tour through Indie Writers Unite.  Look for the Support Indie Authors logo for further submissions.  Please support these authors, check out their blogs and purchase their books.  They are the best of the best.  /Sue Owen.

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